Strayer University
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Exam (elaborations) BUS 409 / BUS409 - Week 3 Quiz 2 business compensation Which of the following examples is NOT considered a compensable work activity? As a result of this law enacted by Congress, employers must now show that employment practices that c
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
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Exam (elaborations) 
BUS 409 / BUS409 - Week 3 Quiz 2 business compensation 
Which of the following examples is NOT considered a compensable work activity? As a result of this law enacted by Congress, employers must now show that employment practices that create disparate impact are a business necessity. This law also made it legal for U.S. citizens working abroad for U.S. companies to file suit. When considering cost-of-living differences between locations, which type of costs stand out? Intent...
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