SOC 3357
Troy University
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social b. psychological c. biological
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
- $8.49
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iological Aspects of Human Sexuality 
First Exam 
Please note that each correct answer is worth 2 points. 
1. Today, most sociologists view sex as fundamentally: 
a. social 
b. psychological 
c. biological 
d. none of the above 
2. Issues of desire, pleasure, and identity are today recognized by the leading scholars in the 
field of sociology of human sexuality as: 
a. social phenomena 
b. psychological phenomena 
c. biological phenomena 
d. philosophical phenomena 
3. According to your text the...

Soc. 3357, Sociological Aspects of Human Sexuality First Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
- $8.49
- + learn more
Please note that each correct answer is worth 2 points. 
1. Today, most sociologists view sex as fundamentally: 
a. social 
b. psychological 
c. biological 
d. none of the above 
2. Issues of desire, pleasure, and identity are today recognized by the leading scholars in the 
field of sociology of human sexuality as: 
a. social phenomena 
b. psychological phenomena 
c. biological phenomena 
d. philosophical phenomena 
3. According to your text the New Sexuality Studies refers to: 
a. interdiscipl...

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