Havard School
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Bates’ Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking 13th Edition Bickley Test Bank
analyzed many historical periods

From Selma to Montgomery(WELL ELABORATED ESSAY SCORED A 96%!!!)
- Essay • 4 pages • 2022
- $15.49
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Using Chapter 8 of Eyes on the Prize, discuss how the march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 became a victory march for much of the early civil rights movement while also revealing how much more was left to accomplish. How did the march led by Martin Luther King Jr. embrace not only the victories of the 1950s and early 1960s, but also show promise for the future? 
I have attached most of Chapter 8 from the book Eyes On The Prize America's Civil Rights Years 1954 to 1965.
HIS 150 
Midterm Exam		 
Summer I 2020
Describe the living and working conditions of gold miners in california during the Gold Rush?

Medical Aid of the Civil war
- Essay • 8 pages • 2022
- $15.49
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The outline to the paper is in the attahced file. At least 2 primary and 2 secondary sources. I do not mind a B grade paper because it will seem more realistic so minor errors are ok. Cite evidence using MLA. 
Thank you. 
Header will go as followed: 
U.S. History 
6 April 2019 
Title will just be: Medical Aid of the Civil war

World War II and the Pacific War
- Essay • 5 pages • 2022
- $30.49
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Did the United States, and it combat forces, confront the Japanese empire any differently than it did Germany during the Second World War? If so, explain how. In particular, was race a factor as claimed by John Dower? You do not have to take an either/or stance, but can compare and contrast, highlighting differences and similarities in the process. Furthermore, was “total warfare”, including the utilization of aerial bombardment and the atomic bombings, necessary and justified during the...
A summary essay on James Monroe

History of Higher Education in the U.S. A 10-Week Class
- Summary • 7 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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This course provides an introductory overview of the history of higher education in the 
United States. We will start with Perkin’s account of the world history of the university, and two 
chapters from my book about the role of the market in shaping the history of American higher 
education and the pressure from consumers to have college provide both social access and social 
advantage. In week two, we examine an overview of the history of American college and university 
in the 18th and 19th...

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