Sophia Environmental Science Unit 1 Milestone
Ashford University
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Sophia - Environmental Science - Unit 1 Milestone 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2022
- $8.15
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Which of the following describes an effect of an environmental issue experienced at the global level? 
•	 Particulate matter from a coal factory is causing health problems for workers. 
•	 Formaldehyde in the new office carpeting is causing a severe allergic reaction. 
•	 Consumers experience dizziness and nausea from pollutants in the water supply. 
•	 The consumption of fossil fuels contributes to air pollution and rising CO2 levels. 
Time, Scale, and Impact 
Which of t...

Sophia - Environmental Science - Unit 1 Milestone 1| 2022 latest update
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2022
- $15.49
- + learn more
Which of the following describes an effect of an environmental issue experienced at the global level? 
•	 Particulate matter from a coal factory is causing health problems for workers. 
•	 Formaldehyde in the new office carpeting is causing a severe allergic reaction. 
•	 Consumers experience dizziness and nausea from pollutants in the water supply. 
•	 The consumption of fossil fuels contributes to air pollution and rising CO2 levels. 
Time, Scale, and Impact 
Which o...

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