Iowa state university
Latest uploads at Iowa state university. Looking for notes at Iowa state university? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Student notes for Phil 235 weekly lecture notes.
Student notes for Phil 235 weekly lecture notes.
Student notes for Phil 235 weekly lecture notes.
Student notes from weekly lectures.
Case Study Heart Failure, Home Health Reasoning 1 of 2, Home Health Nurse Visit, Frank Smith, 75 years old, (Latest 2021) Correct Study Guide, Download to Score A
Case Study Heart Failure, Home Health Reasoning 1 of 2, Home Health Nurse Visit, Frank Smith, 75 years old, (Latest 2021) Correct Study Guide, Download to Score A
Stat 330 Online: Module 3 Homework 
Show all of your work, and upload this homework to Canvas. 
1. Suppose a continuous random variable X has the following probability density function 
fX(x) = 
cx 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 
0 otherwise 
(a) Find the value of c that makes fX(x) a valid probability density function. (Recall a property that 
a PDF must have) 
(b) Give the CDF, FX(x). 
(c) Find P(0.5 ≤ X ≤ 1.5) using fX(x). 
(d) Find P(1 ≤ X ≤ 2) using FX(x). 
(e) Find the value of x such that the pr...
Stat 330: Module 3 Homework Solution 
Show all of your work, and upload this homework to Canvas. 
1. Suppose a continuous random variable X has the following probability density function 
fX(x) = 
kx(1 − x) 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 
0 otherwise 
(a) Find the value of k that makes fX(x) a valid probability density function. (Recall a property that 
a PDF must have) 
(b) Give the CDF, FX(x). 
(c) Find P(0.5 ≤ X ≤ 1) using fX(x). 
(d) Find P(0 ≤ X ≤ .75) using FX(x). 
(e) Find E(X). 
(f) Find V ar...
Course notes are from David Alexnader's Phil 201, Spring semester class. These notes go over everything talked about in the Personal Identity module.
Course notes are from David Alexanders Philosophy 201 class, and were written in the Spring of 2023. These notes go over the Epistemology module.