ATI Nutrition Review (ATI Nutrition Review)
Chamberlain College Of Nursng
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ATI Nutrition Flashcards Summer 2019 | NUR 212 ATI Nutrition Summer 2019
- Exam (elaborations) • 39 pages • 2021
- $13.99
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ATI Nutrition 2019 
Spring Semester 2019 
Terms in this set (73) 
you are admitting a patient with anorexia what measures will you take regarding food 
assign privileges based on weight gain	 
what food item is appropriate to consume for 
potatoes (gluten free)	 (food items that are not gluten free: bread, 
a patient who has celiac disease 
pudding, brand muffin, graham cracker), For this disease, elimi...
nutrition proctored revision guide
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2021
- $16.49
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ATI NUTRITION FOCUSED REVIEW-LATEST GUIDE GENERAL NOTES (Important Facts) Focused Review Notes ATI Rationale with Additional/Supported Information Vitamin B12 is for pernicious anemia Ferrous sulfate for iron deficiency 18.5-24.9 bmi is healthy weight Below 18.5 BMI is underweight 25-29.9 is overweight 30 BMI or greater is obese rangea 10-20 is normal BUN level <200 is ok for blood glucose Celiac disease remove any gluten from diet, wheat rye and barley Pregnant woman increase iron to be able...
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