HESIFundamentals EXAM Sept. 6, 2020 Version 1.88 2020Hesi Fundamentals Q/A
Chamberlain College Of Nursng
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HESIFundamentals EXAM Sept. 6, 2020 Version 1.88 2020Hesi Fundamentals Q/A
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
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HESIFundamentals EXAM 
Sept. 6, 2020 Version 1.88 2020Hesi Fundamentals Q/A 
Native American with nausea and abdominal pain. Answer: Check home remedies 
2. Patient exercises for 2 weeks, but still has trouble falling asleep and takes about an hour to fall asleep. Answer: Ask what type of exercise he is doing. 3. When removing gauze dressing, you notice redness. Answer: Use cotton and silk. 
4. The nurse applies firm pressure on Dorsalis Tibialis for pulse but does not feel a pulse. Answer: Appl...
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