BIS 245 Team Case Study (BIS 245 Team Case Study)
Devry University-Chicago
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DeVry University, Chicago - BIS 245: Case Study Guide - Small Surgery Center A+ GUIDE
- Case • 7 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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DeVry University, Chicago - BIS 245: Case Study Guide - Small Surgery Center A+ GUIDE DATABASE DESIGN 
Primary Keys and Attributes 
The primary keys will include, Doctor’s ID, Patients ID, and procedures ID, and Appointment ID. 
Data types for each entity 
Patients entity – patients first and last names, name of kin, date of birth, postal address, social security number, sex, contact number. 
Doctor entity – Name of doctor, doctor work ID, area of speciality. 
Appointment entity – Appoin...
- Case • 5 pages • 2021
- $10.70
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Team Case Study 
Primary Keys and Attributes 
The primary keys will include, DoctorID, AppointmentID, MedicalProcedureID, and PatientID. 
Attributes for each entity 
Patient entity –Names, Contact, DOB, InsuranceID Sex, and Phone. 
Doctor entity – DoctorID, DoctorName, and Speciality. 
Appointment entity – AppointmentID, DoctorID, Patient ID, Date, and Time. 
Medical Procedure entity – MedicalProcedureID, OrderNumber, PatientID, DoctorID, and TreatmentID 
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