NR 509 Pharmacology HESI Practice Exam 3
Kaplan University
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NR 509 Pharmacology HESI Practice Exam 3.

NR 509 Pharmacology HESI Practice Exam 3
- Exam (elaborations) • 69 pages • 2021
- $24.49
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NR 509 Pharmacology HESI Practice Exam 3 
A client with mild parkinsonism is started on oral amantadine (Symmetrel). What 
statement accurately describes the action of this medication? 
dopamine in central nervous system is increased 
A 52-year-old client is admitted to the hospital for possible duodenal ulcers. The 
healthcare provider prescribes ranitidine hydrochloride (Zantac) 150 mg BID PO. 
Which data would indicate that this medication is effective? 
Within 4 hours after meals, the cli...

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