NUR 2092 / NUR2092 Health Assessment | Final Exam Review | Rasmussen College (NUR2092)
Rasmussen College
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NUR 2092 / NUR2092 Health Assessment | Final Exam Review | Rasmussen College
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- $13.99
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1. History taking/symptom analysis 
a. components of a health history (what is in each component, for ex. Chief 
complaint/reason for seeking care, Past medical history); 
b. subjective vs objective data; 
c. examples of open and closed ended questions; history first; signs vs symptoms; 
d. health promotion levels 
2. Therapeutic communication 
a. examples of effective and ineffective (barriers) techniques 
b. preparing for interviews 
3. Cultural assessment 
a. Cultural adjustment 
b. religion ...

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