NUR 4323/ MDC 4 FINAL EXAM (NUR4323)
Rasmussen College
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MDC 4 FINAL EXAM Complete, Latest 2022.
- Other • 13 pages • 2022
- $15.49
- 3x sold
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1.	You witness a patient with stiffening and/or rigidity of muscles, especially arms and legs, with immediate loss of consciousness. 
What type of seizure? - 
2.	You witness a patient with rhythmic jerking/relaxing of all extremities. 
What type of seizure? - 
3.	You witness a patient with a sudden loss of muscle tone lasting a few seconds, the patient dropped to the floor. 
What type of seizure? - 
4.	A patient is in recovery after a seizure, they are a bit co...

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