NUR2603 Exam 3 Focused Review (NUR2603 Exam 3 Focused Review)
Rasmussen College
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NUR2603 Exam 3 Focused Review
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2021
- $16.49
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Pathophysiology Final Exam Study Guide 
Modules 1-10 
Module 1 
Chapter 2 
I. General Adaptation Syndrome and Allostasis 
a. Alarm Stage: Fight-or-Flight response due to stressful stimuli. 
b. Resistance Stage: Nervous & Endocrine systems returning the body to 
c. Exhaustion Stage: Point where bofy can no longer return to homeostasis 
Chapter 24 
II. Body Fluid Homeostasis: Pertains to water within the body and the particles 
dissolved in it. 
i. Fluid Distribution: Occurs through o...
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