The Biology of the Mind
Rasmussen College
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Test Bank for Cognitive Neuroscience, The Biology of the Mind 5th Edition by Gazzaniga
- Exam (elaborations) • 182 pages • 2023
- $15.39
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1. What term was coined by Thomas Willis as a consequence of the case of Anne Green? a. psychopathology b. cognition c. neurology d. psychosis ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: 1.1 A Historical Perspective OBJ: 1.1 MSC: Remembering 2. Aside from saving Anne Green’s life, Thomas Willis and Christopher Wren also a. created very accurate drawings of the brain. b. came up with the names of a number of brain structures. c. took the first steps that led to cognitive neuroscience. d. All of the answer options ar...
Test Bank for Cognitive Neuroscience, The Biology of the Mind 5th Edition by Gazzaniga
- Exam (elaborations) • 182 pages • 2023
- $14.99
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1. What term was coined by Thomas Willis as a consequence of the case of Anne Green? a. psychopathology b. cognition c. neurology d. psychosis ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: 1.1 A Historical Perspective OBJ: 1.1 MSC: Remembering 2. Aside from saving Anne Green’s life, Thomas Willis and Christopher Wren also a. created very accurate drawings of the brain. b. came up with the names of a number of brain structures. c. took the first steps that led to cognitive neuroscience. d. All of the answer options ar...
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