OPS 301
University Of Dayton
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OPS Final Exam Review
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2022
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OPS Final Exam Review
1. Inventory control models assume that demand for an item is:
ANSWER: either independent of or dependent on the demand for other items
2. Policies based on ABC analysis might include investing:
ANSWER: more in supplier development for A items
3. Extra units that are held in inventory to reduce stockouts are called:
ANSWER: safety stock
4. A singleperiod inventory model is NOT applicable for:
ANSWER: furniture
5. Which of the following does NOT belong...
Exam (elaborations)
OPS Final Exam Review
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OPS Final Exam Review 1. Inventory control models assume that demand for an item is: ANSWER: either independent of or dependent on the demand for other items 2. Policies based on ABC analysis might include investing: ANSWER: more in supplier development for A items 3. Extra units that are held in inventory to reduce stockouts are called: ANSWER: safety stock 4. A singleperiod inventory model is NOT applicable for: ANSWER: furniture 5. Which of the following does NOT belong...
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