Waubonsee Community College
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Latest notes & summaries Waubonsee Community College
Avulsion fractures can occur in ankles and fingers. correct answer: True 
To enhance fluid absorption by the stomach, a sports drink should have 14 to 17% carbohydrate content. correct answer: False 
A coach could be held liable if an athlete is injured while using inappropriately-fitted protective equipment. correct answer: True 
Acute injuries include correct answer: Stress fractures and open fractures 
Which of the following injuries does NOT result from shearing? correct answer: ...
What causes an insulin reaction? correct answer: High levels of insulin, which may result from medications taken to control blood glucose levels 
What quick first aid care can you provide to help minimize an insulin reaction? (5) correct answer: 1) Remove the athlete from all activity. 
2) Give the athletes sugar, candy, pop, or fruit juice. 
3) Get emergency medical assistant (if doesn't recover). 
4) Monitor breathing and give CPR if needed. 
5) Inform parent/guardian. 
Explain the cau...
What is a major source of energy that powers an athlete's muscles? correct answer: carbohydrates 
When an athlete first starts to exercise, her initial energy needs are provided primarily by the aerobic energy system. correct answer: false 
Which muscle fibers have the greatest capacity to produce energy via the anaerobic energy system? correct answer: fast glycolytic fibers 
When an athlete is at rest, her muscles use about 20 percent of the body's energy, and her brain uses about 30...
Which steps are important in preventing similar injuries to your athletes? correct answer: Talk to your school's athletic trainer and conditioning coach about hamstring exercises. 
Work with assistant coaches or team captains to make sure hamstring stretches are included in the warm-up routine. 
Instruct all runners on proper warm-up and stretching before workouts. 
As the season approaches, three of Coach Smith's senior players have been letting themselves into the gym half an hour before ...
Sign correct answer: Can see (like blood) 
Symptom correct answer: Can't see (like a headache) 
Why anatomy and sport injury terminology is important correct answer: Be able to effectively communicate athlete's signs and symptoms to Health Care Team. 
Understand physician;s diagnosis and orders. 
Enables you to recognize injuries. 
Bones correct answer: Shape and support the body 
Protect important organs (Brain, heart) 
Ligaments correct answer: Connect bone to bones 
Critical fo...
Most of the legal duties of a coach are performed in the _____ phase of athletic health care. correct answer: prevention 
Coach Graham sends one of his practice squads onto the school track for a 1-mile run while he works with his other squad in the gym. Which legal duty is Coach Graham neglecting? correct answer: Supervise the activity closely. 
Coach Hayes is certified in sport first aid and CPR. One of his freshman distance runners collapses in the middle of a race and is wheezing heavi...
Information on different types of newborn nutrition including breastfeeding and formula feeding
Example of a concept map from clinical that includes problem-solving, interventions, and risks
Electrolyte imbalances for fluid and electrolyte portion of nursing classes
Information on electrolyte imbalances 
GI case study 
Example of maternal concept map 
Study guide on newborn nutrition