C 425
Western Governers University
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C 425/ C425: Pre-assessment: Healthcare Delivery Systems, Regulation and Compliance (PKDC)Answered
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2023
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Pre-assessment: Healthcare Delivery Systems, Regulation and Compliance (PKDC) 4. Which important change in the U.S. healthcare system was made with the enactment of the Social Security Act? YOUR ANSWER CORRECT ANSWER It ensured patients have health care and funding. It granted veterans access to healthcare services. It allowed states to decide if they want to pay for Medicare. It funded payments through the federal government and the states. Less 5. Why is the federally sponsored health insuranc...
Exam (elaborations)
C 425/ C425: Pre-assessment: Healthcare Delivery Systems, Regulation and Compliance (PKDC)Answered
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Pre-assessment: Healthcare Delivery Systems, Regulation and Compliance (PKDC) 4. Which important change in the U.S. healthcare system was made with the enactment of the Social Security Act? YOUR ANSWER CORRECT ANSWER It ensured patients have health care and funding. It granted veterans access to healthcare services. It allowed states to decide if they want to pay for Medicare. It funded payments through the federal government and the states. Less 5. Why is the federally sponsored health insuranc...
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