C 785
Western Governers University
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WGU C785 Final Exam 2022/2023 LATEST PAPER
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $14.49
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Hemophilia Pedigree - Father has hemophilia, mother does not. What is the outcome for 
their kids? 	 
Correct answer- His daughters would be carriers. This is x-link recessive.	 
Correct answer- Autosomal: males and females equally affected. 
Dominant: non-carrier parents 
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Correct answer- The process of copying DNA in the 
lab. Uses Template DNA, Nucleotides (dNTPS), DNA Polymerase, and DNA primers. 
3 Steps of PCR 
Correct answer- 1. De...
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