Care of Older Adult Review Guide (C784)
Western Governers University
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- Case • 42 pages • 2021
- $25.00
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CARE OF OLDER ADULT REVIEW GUIDE Care of The Older Adult Chapter 1, 2 & 3 Gerontology is the broad term used to define the study of aging and/or the aged. Geriatrics is often used as a generic term relating to older adults, but specifically refers to the medical care of older adults. Geriatricians are physicians trained in geriatric medicine. ● “old” is often defined as over 65 years of age ● young old (ages 65–74 ● middle old (ages 75–84), ● old frail elders (ages 85...

Care of Older Adult Review Guide
- Other • 42 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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Care of The Older Adult Chapter 1, 2 & 3 Gerontology is the broad term used to define the study of aging and/or the aged. Geriatrics is often used as a generic term relating to older adults, but specifically refers to the medical care of older adults. Geriatricians are physicians trained in geriatric medicine. ● “old” is often defined as over 65 years of age ● young old (ages 65–74 ● middle old (ages 75–84), ● old frail elders (ages 85 and up) Genomics is the identifi...

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