VTDE 171 A 171
Ambe Vidyalaya
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VTDE 171 A 171#1 Practice Test VTNE.Veterinary Technician National Examination Sample Questions
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2022
- $16.79
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Veterinary Technician National Examination Sample Questions 
 The AAVSB has selected the following 10 questions to provide candidates with an example of the type 
of questions that appear on the Veterinary Technician National Examination. An answer key follows the 
list of questions. These sample questions represent the nine domain areas of the examination. 
1.) Which of the following mouth rinsing agents has the best antibacterial properties? 
1. Zinc ascorbate 
2. Sodium hypochlorate 
3. Hydro...

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