Nursing Case study: Patrick Cowley
Ball state university
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Case Study: Mr. Patrick Cowley resident of Shady Acres Continuing Care Centre arrived at Emergency (answered)
- Case • 6 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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Mr. Patrick Cowley resident of Shady Acres Continuing Care Centre arrived at Emergency. He complains of increased cough over the past three weeks and fever for 48 hours. The doctor queries pneumonia and last shift reported an increased temperature and blood work confirms an increased WBC count. Previous nurse gave Tylenol 20 minutes ago for his temperature. Mr. Cowley receives intermittent HDC for hydration. The doctor has started him on corticosteroids. This is also day 3 with...
Case Study: Mr. Patrick Cowley resident of Shady Acres Continuing Care Centre arrived at Emergency (answered)
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Casestudy: Mr. Patrick Cowley resident of Shady Acres Continuing Care Centre arrived at Emergency. He complains of increased cough over the past three weeks and fever for 48 hours. The doctor queries pneumonia and last shift reported an increased temperature and blood work confirms an increased WBC count. Previous nurse gave Tylenol 20 minutes ago for his temperature. Mr. Cowley receives intermittent HDC for hydration. The doctor has started him on corticosteroids. This is also day 3 with...
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