Research Methods CJ490 (CJ490)
Purdue University
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Purdue Global University Criminal Justice Research Methods CJ 490 unit 5 assignment
- Presentation • 13 pages • 2021
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A social experiment lead by Phillip Zimbardo from Aug 14 and prematurely ending on Aug 20 of 1971. 
Randomly being split up into two groups, the volunteers who became mock prisoners and guards in a ‘make-believe’ county jail.

Purdue Global University Criminal Justice Research Methods CJ 490 Unit 7 assignment
- Essay • 4 pages • 2021
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One is asking questions. A common was for this is survey research. After finding your sample group you can either fill out a survey form, ask questions in person, or over the telephone. Another method is field observation. This method deals with direct observation (Maxfield pg 228). Going into the field, and visually observing you research. The third main method is collecting data that already exists.

Purdue Global University Criminal Justice Research Methods CJ 490 Unit 8 research proposal
- Essay • 7 pages • 2021
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Unit 9 project 
CJ 490 
Research Methods 
My topic for this research proposal is gun control. More specifically gun laws and its relation to gun related violence. Just about every week these days we hear about breaking news regarding perpetrators using guns to shoot up schools, concerts, clubs, and other public events.

Purdue Global University Criminal Justice Research Methods CJ 490 Unit 9 research assignment
- Essay • 8 pages • 2021
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My topic for this research proposal is gun control. More specifically gun laws and its relation to gun related violence. Just about every week these days we hear about breaking news regarding perpetrators using guns to shoot up schools, concerts, clubs, and other public events. Which follows the online debate and revolution of banning guns. In this research we will investigate if stricter gun laws have an effect on crimes where a gun is used.

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