care of the older adult OA

Western Governors Uuniversity - Indiana

Here are the best resources to pass care of the older adult OA. Find care of the older adult OA study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.

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(complete updated)WGU study guide for care of the older adult OA.
  • (complete updated)WGU study guide for care of the older adult OA.

  • Summary • 36 pages • 2022
  • WGU study guide for care of the older adult OA_ 2022. Baby Boomers - large group of people born between 1946-1964. Considered more affluent, better educated and healthier. Baby boomers have entered the older age group as of 2011 Baby Boomers unique characteristics that make them a challenge for healthcare professionals - They expect and demand excellence in geriatric care. Health disparities exist among minority elder group. Other vulnerable older adults are veterans, those with disabiliti...
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  • $10.89
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