NCLEX RN Exam – Neurological Disorders (NCLEX RN)
Concorde Career College
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NCLEX RN Exam – Neurological Disorders (WITH ANSWERS)
- Exam (elaborations) • 27 pages • 2021
- $25.49
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1. The nurse is assisting with caring for a client after a craniotomy. Which is the best position for the client to be placed? 
2. The nurse is caring for a client following a supratentorial craniotomy, in which a large tumor was removed from the left side. In which position can the nurse safely place the client? Refer to Figures. 
3. A client with a seizure disorder is being admitted to the hospital. Which should the nurse plan to implement for this client? Select all that apply 
4. The n...

NCLEX RN Exam – Neurological Disorders Questions/Answers (100 % Helpful Solutions)
- Exam (elaborations) • 28 pages • 2021
- $20.49
- + learn more
NCLEX RN Exam – Neurological Disorders 
NCLEX RN Exam – Neurological Disorders with Answers 
1. The nurse is assisting with caring for a client after a craniotomy. Which is the best position for the client to be placed? 
2. The nurse is caring for a client following a supratentorial craniotomy, in which a large tumor was removed from the left side. In which position can the nurse safely place the client? Refer to Figures. 
3. A client with a seizure disorder is being admitted to the ho...

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