NUR 205 (NUR205)
Murray State University
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This is a comprehensive and detailed note on Chapter 19 for NUR 205. 
This is a comprehensive and detailed note on Chapter 15; anatomy and physiology for Nur 205. 
To your success in academics!!
Pharmacology and the nursing process. Chapter 1-3 test bank.

TEST BANK Pharmacology and the Nursing Process 9th Edition Linda Lane Lilley ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECT AID GRADE A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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1.	The nurse is writing a nursing diagnosis for a plan of care for a patient who has been newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Which statement reflects the correct format for a nursing diagnosis? 
a.	Anxiety 
b.	Anxiety related to new drug therapy 
c.	Anxiety related to anxious feelings about drug therapy, as evidenced by statements 
such as “I'm upset about having to test my blood sugars.” 
d.	Anxiety related to new drug therapy, as evidenced by statements such as “I'm 
upset about hav...

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