Western Kentucky University
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Latest notes & summaries Western Kentucky University
The nurse is using critical thinking skills during the first phase of the nursing process. Which action indicates the nurse is in the first phase? - ANS Completes a comprehensive database. 
A nurse is using the problem-focused approach to data collection. Which action will the nurse take first? - ANS Focusing on the patient's presenting situation 
After reviewing the database, the nurse discovers that the patient's vital signs have not been recorded by the nursing assistive...
A nurse assesses a patient who comes to the pulmonary clinic. "I see that it's been over 6 months since you've been in, but your appointment was for every 2 months. Tell me about that. Also I see from your last visit that the doctor recommended routine exercise. Can you tell me how successful you have been following his plan?" The nurse's assessment covers which of Gordon's functional health patterns? 
A) Value-belief pattern 
B) Cognitive-perceptual pattern 
C) Coping-stress-tolerance pat...
WKU, Nursing 333, Fundamentals, Chapter 16 from Potter & Perry Questions With Complete Solutions
The document is a citation chain analysis of using smart pumps in hospitals. In 2007, medical researchers conducted a study on computerized intravenous pumps called smart pumps, which is a needle that goes inside a vein with a machine attached to the needle that pumps liquids and medicine through the needle and into the vein. The study consisted of four focus groups with nurses randomly drawn to be interviewed about the use of smart pumps in a clinical setting. The results show that a lot of nur...
This document contains an overview and summary of the analysis of the Summit Regional Hospital Case Study. It provides a detailed summary of the case, discusses potential challenges that inner city hospitals are facing in the present, presents challenges that the hospital is facing, and solutions to those challenges.
This macroeconomic problem provides analysis and evaluation of macroeconomics on a grand scale with the problem and solution.
This shows an in-depth review of a macroeconomic problem, with the provided answer.
This shows different financial modeling tools used to make a lab report
This provides an in-depth review of the beauty salon industry as well as a business proposal.
This shows the feasibility of a business proposal along with financial and economic aspects.