NFS 1110 (NFS1110)
Louisiana State University
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Midterm Nutrition 111B STUDY GUIDE 2020
- Other • 5 pages • 2021
- $6.48
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Lecture #1 and part of #2: Dietary Recommendations (DRIs, Dietary Guidelines, MyPlate) 
1.	Know the names of the agencies responsible for food guides and nutrition standards. 
2.	Know the 4 elements of the DRIs, and the AMDR (meaning as well as percent ranges). 
a.	Know why the RDA covers 97-98% of the nutrient requirement for healthy individuals. 
b.	Know when an AI is used rather than an RDA. 
c.	Know the difference between an AI and an RDA. 
d.	Know the difference between the EAR ...

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