CHEM 105 (CHEM 105)
Nicholls State University
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201measurements CHEM 105
- Other • 32 pages • 2021
- $15.49
- + learn more
Glenn V. Lo 
Department of Physical Sciences 
Nicholls State University 
assigning a value to an observation 
For science and trade: value assigned should 
be in reference to or traceable to a “standard” 
Reported measurement generally has 2 parts: 
■	Number (indicates the value) 
■	Unit (indicates the standard) 
■	Ex: 5.0 kg 
◆	(means 5.0 times the mass of a cylinder stored in a vault at the 
International Bureau of Weights and Measures in France; by 
201measurements CHEM 105
- Other • 32 pages • 2021
- $16.49
- + learn more
Glenn V. Lo 
Department of Physical Sciences 
Nicholls State University 
assigning a value to an observation 
For science and trade: value assigned should 
be in reference to or traceable to a “standard” 
Reported measurement generally has 2 parts: 
■	Number (indicates the value) 
■	Unit (indicates the standard) 
■	Ex: 5.0 kg 
◆	(means 5.0 times the mass of a cylinder stored in a vault at the 
International Bureau of Weights and Measures in France; by 
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