Southern University
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Summary NURSING 410 (NURSING 410) (NURSING 410 (NURSING 410) Lower GI Problems complete study guide (new)
- Summary • 20 pages • 2021
- $7.99
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Chapter 42: Lower GI Problems DIARRHEA - Passage of at least three loose or liquid stool per day - Acute: lasting 14 days or less - Persistent: lasting longer than 14 days - Chronic: lasts 30 days or longer Etiology and Patho - Primary cause of acute diarrhea is ingesting an infectious organism - Viruses are also a common cause in the US - E. coli is most common (can be bloody) - Undercooked chicken or beef and fruits and vegetables contaminated manure - Travelers diarrhea: Giardia lamblia, inte...
Summary NURSING 410 (NURSING 410) (NURSING 410 (NURSING 410) Lower GI Problems complete study guide (new)
- Summary • 20 pages • 2021
- $8.09
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Chapter 42: Lower GI Problems DIARRHEA - Passage of at least three loose or liquid stool per day - Acute: lasting 14 days or less - Persistent: lasting longer than 14 days - Chronic: lasts 30 days or longer Etiology and Patho - Primary cause of acute diarrhea is ingesting an infectious organism - Viruses are also a common cause in the US - E. coli is most common (can be bloody) - Undercooked chicken or beef and fruits and vegetables contaminated manure - Travelers diarrhea: Giardia lamblia, inte...
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