AC222 (AC222)
Boston University
Here are the best resources to pass AC222 (AC222). Find AC222 (AC222) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.
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Practice Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2016
- $4.49
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Practice exam for AC222
Accounting practice exam.
Questions and answers.
Covers traditional topics such as job-order costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting and variance analysis, profitability analysis, relevant costs for decision making, and cost-plus pricing, as well as emerging topics such as Activity-Based Cost (ABC) accounting.

Exam (elaborations)
Practice Exam
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Practice exam for AC222
Accounting practice exam.
Questions and answers.
Covers traditional topics such as job-order costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting and variance analysis, profitability analysis, relevant costs for decision making, and cost-plus pricing, as well as emerging topics such as Activity-Based Cost (ABC) accounting.

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