Cambridge College

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COOKERY BSBMGT617SITXHRM006 Assessment 2 -Project FINAL_Feedback_2nd Submission
  • COOKERY BSBMGT617SITXHRM006 Assessment 2 -Project FINAL_Feedback_2nd Submission

  • Other • 24 pages • 2021
  • PART A – Developing procedures for performance appraisal 1. Choose 3 different positions relevant to your industry or area of study in Hospitality, Tourism or Events and determineat least 7 tasks or responsibilities of each role. Use the attached document “P” or suitable documents sourced from responsibilities. Examples for different positions and job roles in these sectors can be accessed under following links: Hospitality Ref Link: Positions: 1. Waiter 2. Chef 3. Restaurant...
  • hilda910
  • $16.49
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