Fire Academy
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Fire Academy Course Final 2024 Study Guide Questions & Answers with 100% Correct Answers | Verified & Updated 2024 | Guaranteed Success 
Overhaul operations include - searching for hidden fires 
3. During overhaul, prying tools can be used to - remove baseboards and window frames. 
Which hazard are firefighters likely to encounter during overhaul? - Toxic Gases 
Which safety measure should be in place during overhaul - Gloves to protect from cuts and thermal burns 
In order to remain safe during...
Fire Academy Midterm Study Guide with 100% Correct Answers | Verified & Updated 2024 | Guaranteed Success | 30 Pages 
A fireground management system that addresses procedures for controlling personnel, facilities, equipment, and communications and is designed to be expanded as needed is the: - Emergency Management System 
Which of the following statements are correct: 
Statement 1- a policy is a guide to thinking or decision making Statement 2- a procedure is a detailed plan of action 
Fire Academy Week 2 Tests with 100% Correct Answers | Verified & Updated 2024 | Guaranteed Success | 100% Pass 
Which of the following best describes how understanding the physical science of fire can help firefighters? 
A. It keeps radiant heat from igniting fuel 
B. It keeps flaming combustion from beginning 
C. It translates into practical knowledge of fire behavior 
D. It helps in stopping rapid fire behavior from developing - C 
When a substance changes from one type of matter to another it...
What is the NFPA standard that lists the design requirements for Fire Department ground 
ladders? - 1931 
What NFPA standard lists the use, maintenance, and testing requirements for in-service Fire 
Department ground ladders? - 1932
What is the first step a firefighter should perform before dawn in a self-contained breathing 
apparatus - Check the air supply in the SCBA unit 
Recharging your cylinders can be done from a bank of large air cylinders this system is called 
a____system - Cascade
Which of the following best describes how understanding the physical science of fire can help 
A. It keeps radiant heat from igniting fuel 
B. It keeps flaming combustion from beginning 
C. It translates into practical knowledge of fire behavior 
D. It helps in stopping rapid fire behavior from developing - C
Overhaul operations include - searching for hidden fires 
3. During overhaul, prying tools can be used to - remove baseboards and window frames. 
Which hazard are firefighters likely to encounter during overhaul? - Toxic Gases 
Which safety measure should be in place during overhaul - Gloves to protect from cuts 
and thermal burns
A fireground management system that addresses procedures for controlling personnel, 
facilities, equipment, and communications and is designed to be expanded as needed is the: - 
Emergency Management System 
Which of the following statements are correct: 
Statement 1- a policy is a guide to thinking or decision making 
Statement 2- a procedure is a detailed plan of action 
Statement 3- standard operating procedures apply to both emergency and non-emergency 
situations - All three statements ar...
What is the mission of the fire service? - Save lives and protect property and the 
environment from fires and other hazardous situations 
Which fire service organizations principle refers to the formal line of authority, responsibility, 
and communication within an organization? - Chain of command
Which type of company specializes in saving victims from fires, confined spaces, trenches, and 
high-angle situations? - Rescue 
Which type of company is responsible for securing a water source, deploying handlines, and 
putting water on the fire? - Engine 
A fire fighter who is trained and certified in chemical identification, leak control, and 
decontamination is a(n) ________. - HAZMAT Technician