Harvard College
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- Essay • 7 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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Effects of Deforestation on the Environment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date The ecosystem provides natural resources that help human beings in their overall surviva l. Among these are trees, and they are important in the environment because they keep the climate balanced through activities like absorption of and release of oxygen as well as regulating the supply of water in the environment. More than half species of the world live in forests as their natural habitats, and it is a...

ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY EXAMPLE:Importance of mobile apps in business
- Essay • 2 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date Importance of mobile apps in business Anyone doing business in the current world, is obligated to have profile on mobile apps. The modern world has shifted drastically due to technology advancement and people are able to make purchases through their phones. Companies have been obligated to make use of mobile apps to run their businesses. Mobile apps are useful in business because, they allow the company to have engagement with clients as well...

- Essay • 2 pages • 2021
- $8.99
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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date Procrastination negatively affects learning I can remember the number of times I have said that I will do something and end up postponing for future time. Just like me, many students find themselves find themselves postponing activities and this has negative effects on their lives. The act of postponing things for later is called procrastination. Therefore, students should not procrastinate because, it leads to poor academic performance and l...

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