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- Essay • 2 pages • 2021
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PRODUCT REVIEWS In the past few years, desktops were more common in the market as compared to laptops, but with improvements in technology, laptops were introduced. Laptops are made by many compani es and including apple, Microsoft, Sony, among other companies. When looking for a laptop to use, I consider the processor as this will determine if the machine is fast. I also look at the storage capacity as I need a machine that is able to hold a lot of documents. Having used many brands of laptops,...
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PRODUCT REVIEWS In the past few years, desktops were more common in the market as compared to laptops, but with improvements in technology, laptops were introduced. Laptops are made by many compani es and including apple, Microsoft, Sony, among other companies. When looking for a laptop to use, I consider the processor as this will determine if the machine is fast. I also look at the storage capacity as I need a machine that is able to hold a lot of documents. Having used many brands of laptops,...
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