GIZMOS Crump 13.3B CoralReefs 2 SE
Harvard University
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Exam (elaborations) GIZMOS Crump 13.3B CoralReefs 2 SE
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2022
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Exam (elaborations) GIZMOS Crump 13.3B CoralReefs 2 SE 
Vocabulary (refer to vocab file located on the Gizmo site for definitions): biotic factor, 
black band disease, invasive species, white band disease 
Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) 
In 1992, Hurricane Andrew left a wake of destruction through Florida. 
One victim of the storm was a reptile-breeding facility. Over 900 
Burmese pythons were set free, and today thousands of pythons live in 
Florida. These pyt...
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