Liberty University ACCT 370 Quiz 4 Power answer
Harvard University
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Exam (elaborations) Liberty University ACCT 370 Quiz 4 Power answer
- Exam (elaborations) • 71 pages • 2021
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Liberty University ACCT 370 Quiz 4 Power answer 
Liberty University ACCT 370 Quiz 4 Power answer 
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Yanita Company, an IFRS reporting firm, has three bank accounts. The 
respective account balances are as follows: 
Account 1: $50,000; Account 2: $70,000; Account 3: $(10,000). 
Consistent with IFRS, cash and cash equivalents are equal to: 
Madrid Incorporated’s 20X1 income statement reported income tax expense of $635,375. 
During 20X1, Madrid’s income taxes payable account inc...
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