MDA 224 HESI EXIT V3 2018 (MDA224)
Harvard University
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Exam (elaborations) MDA 224 HESI EXIT V3 2018
- Exam (elaborations) • 38 pages • 2022
- $9.49
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Exam (elaborations) MDA 224 HESI EXIT V3 2018 
A 64 year-old client scheduled for surgery with a general anesthetic refuses to remove 
a set of dentures prior to leaving the unit for the operating room. What would be the most 
appropriate intervention by the nurse? 
A) Explain to the client that the dentures must come out as they may get lost or broken in 
the operating room 
B) Ask the client if there are second thoughts about having the procedure 
C) Notify the anesthesia department and the s...
MDA 224 HESI EXIT V3 2018 (MDA224)
- Exam (elaborations) • 38 pages • 2021
- $8.99
- + learn more
Exam (elaborations) MDA 224 HESI EXIT V3 2018 (MDA224) 
1. A 64 year-old client scheduled for surgery with a general anesthetic refuses to remove 
a set of dentures prior to leaving the unit for the operating room. What would be the most 
appropriate intervention by the nurse? 
A) Explain to the client that the dentures must come out as they may get lost or broken in 
the operating room 
B) Ask the client if there are second thoughts about having the procedure 
C) Notify the anesthesia departme...
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