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Exam (elaborations) NCSBN ON-LINE REVIEW With Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 171 pages • 2022
- $8.49
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Exam (elaborations) NCSBN ON-LINE REVIEW With Answers 
1.A client has been hospitalized after an automobile accident. A full leg cast was applied in the emergency room. The most important 
reason for the nurse to elevate the casted leg is to 
A) Promote the client's comfort 
B) Reduce the drying time 
C) Decrease irritation to the skin 
 D) Improve venous return 
D: Improve venous return. Elevating the leg both improves venous return and reduces swelling. Client comfort will be improved 
as we...
- Exam (elaborations) • 171 pages • 2021
- $8.99
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Exam (elaborations) NCSBN ON-LINE REVIEW with Answers 
1.A client has been hospitalized after an automobile accident. A full leg cast was applied in the emergency room. The most important 
reason for the nurse to elevate the casted leg is to 
A) Promote the client's comfort 
B) Reduce the drying time 
C) Decrease irritation to the skin 
D) Improve venous return 
D: Improve venous return. Elevating the leg both improves venous return and reduces swelling. Client comfort will be improved 
as wel...
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