NUR 2459 / NUR2459 Exam 1: Mental and Behavioral Health Nursing Exam 1 Review Rasmussen (NMF343)
Harvard University
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NUR 2459 / NUR2459 Exam 1: Mental and Behavioral Health Nursing Exam 1 Review (Latest 2021/2022) Rasmussen
- Summary • 2 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Mental Health NUR2459 Module 4 EXAM 1 
Exam Content Review 
You need to study and UNDERSTAND … 
Rapport, trust and respect. 
 Therapeutic communication- verbal and nonverbal techniques. Focus on the care receivers 
needs and advance the promotion of healing and change. Encourages exploration of feelings and 
foster understanding of behavioral motivation. Nonjudgmental, discourages defensiveness, and 
promotes trust. 
o Non-therapeutic communication 
Giving false reassurance. Rejecting. Appr...

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