Principles Of Pediatric Nursing Caring For Children 7th Edition Ball
Harvard University
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Test Bank for Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children, 7th Edition, Jane W Ball, Ruth C Bindler, Kay Cowen, Michele Rose Shaw| ISBN-13: 9780134257013
- Exam (elaborations) • 595 pages • 2022
- $21.42
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Test Bank for Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children, 7th Edition, Jane W Ball, Ruth C Bindler, Kay Cowen, Michele Rose Shaw, ISBN-10: 4, ISBN-13: 7013 Table of Contents: CHAPTERS: 1. Nurse’s Role in Care of the Child: Hospital, Community, and Home 2. Family-Centered Care and Cultural Considerations 3. Genetic and Genomic Influences 4. Growth and Development 5. Pediatric Assessment 6. Introduction to Health Promotion and Maintenance 7. Health Promotion and Maintenance for the New...

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