BIOD 121 – Nutrition Module 1
Portage Learning
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BIOD 121: Nutrition Module 1 Problem Set, Portage Learning | Latest Update & Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
- $10.99
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The current recommendation to maintain your body weight is 2000 calories daily. If you are told that you should not consume any more than 52 % of your calories from carbohydrates, how many grams of carbohydrates should you eat in a day? 2000 x .52 = 1040 1040 calories / 4 = 260 grams of carbs If a fudge brownie has 9 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein and 12 grams of fat. How many calories are in the brownie? Carb: 9 x 4 = 36 Pro: 1 x 4 = 4 Fat: 12 x 9 =108 36 + 4 + 108 = 148 calories Nam...
BIOD 121: Nutrition Module 1 Problem Set, Portage Learning | Latest Update & Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $11.99
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The current recommendation to maintain your body weight is 2000 calories daily. If you are told that you should not consume any more than 52 % of your calories from carbohydrates, how many grams of carbohydrates should you eat in a day? 2000 x .52 = 1040 1040 calories / 4 = 260 grams of carbs If a fudge brownie has 9 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein and 12 grams of fat. How many calories are in the brownie? Carb: 9 x 4 = 36 Pro: 1 x 4 = 4 Fat: 12 x 9 =108 36 + 4 + 108 = 148 calories Nam...
BIOD 121: Nutrition Module 1 Problem Set, Portage Learning | Latest Update & Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
- $10.99
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The current recommendation to maintain your body weight is 2000 calories daily. If you are told that you should not consume any more than 52 % of your calories from carbohydrates, how many grams of carbohydrates should you eat in a day? 2000 x .52 = 1040 1040 calories / 4 = 260 grams of carbs If a fudge brownie has 9 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein and 12 grams of fat. How many calories are in the brownie? Carb: 9 x 4 = 36 Pro: 1 x 4 = 4 Fat: 12 x 9 =108 36 + 4 + 108 = 148 calories Nam...
BIOD 121: Nutrition Module 1 Problem Set, Portage Learning | Latest Update & Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2022
- $11.99
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The current recommendation to maintain your body weight is 2000 calories daily. If you are told that you should not consume any more than 52 % of your calories from carbohydrates, how many grams of carbohydrates should you eat in a day? 2000 x .52 = 1040 1040 calories / 4 = 260 grams of carbs If a fudge brownie has 9 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein and 12 grams of fat. How many calories are in the brownie? Carb: 9 x 4 = 36 Pro: 1 x 4 = 4 Fat: 12 x 9 =108 36 + 4 + 108 = 148 calories Nam...
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