CHEM 103: Lab 4 (CHEM103)
Portage Learning
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Chem Lab 4
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- $6.48
- 6x sold
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Title: Thermochemistry 
Purpose: To demonstrate and investigate thermochemical reactions. 
Part I: Acid Base Reaction 
Determine the changeH of NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O 
•	We will use a calorimeter to determine this change (coffee cup size with cardboard lid) 
Part II: Heat of Combustion of Hydrocarbon Fuel 
Determine how much heat it takes to raise the temperature of water about 15 degrees C 
C4H10O3 + 5O2 → 4CO2 + 5H2O 
HO-CH2-CH2-O- CH2- CH2-OH 
Fuel value= 6020 cal/g...
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