ISYE 6501 (ISYE6501)
Portage Learning
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ISYE 6501 Homework 15 (Essay).
- Essay • 4 pages • 2022
- $6.99
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ISYE 6501 Homework 15 (Essay). Question 20.1 
Describe analytics models that could be used to help the company monetize their data: How could the 
company use these data sets to generate value, and what analytics models might they need to do it? 
There are lots of good answers, and I want you to think about two types – at least one of your answers 
should be based on just one data set (the one they’ve collected internally on customer browsing 
patterns on the website), and at least one of y...
ISYE 6501 Homework 15 (ESSAY).
- Essay • 4 pages • 2022
- $6.99
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ISYE 6501 Homework 15 (ESSAY). Question 20.1 
Describe analytics models that could be used to help the company monetize their data: How could the 
company use these data sets to generate value, and what analytics models might they need to do it? 
There are lots of good answers, and I want you to think about two types – at least one of your answers 
should be based on just one data set (the one they’ve collected internally on customer browsing 
patterns on the website), and at least one of yo...
ISYE 6501 Homework 15 (ESSAY).
- Essay • 4 pages • 2022
- $6.99
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ISYE 6501 Homework 15 (ESSAY). Question 20.1 
Describe analytics models that could be used to help the company monetize their data: How could the 
company use these data sets to generate value, and what analytics models might they need to do it? 
There are lots of good answers, and I want you to think about two types – at least one of your answers 
should be based on just one data set (the one they’ve collected internally on customer browsing 
patterns on the website), and at least one of yo...
ISYE 6501 Course Project
- Essay • 4 pages • 2021
- $7.49
- 1x sold
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ISYE 6501 Course Project 
These web sites contain brief overviews of some major Analytics success stories: 
In this course project, your job is to think carefully about what analytics models and data might have 
been required. 
1. Browse the short overviews of the projects. Read a bunch of them – they’re really interesting. 
But don’t try to read them all unless you have a lot of spare time; there are lots! 
2. Pick a project for which you think at least thre...
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