marmoset genome
Portage Learning
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- Package deal • 16 items • 2024
- $53.23
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What is an example of a hydrogen bond? - ANSWER The attraction between a hydrogen of
one water molecule and the oxygen of another water molecule
Which factor is most important in the movement of water up a tall tree? - ANSWER Leaf
A substrate molecule may be bound to the active site of an enzyme by all of the following -
ANSWER hydrog
The common marmoset genome provides insight into primate biology and evolution
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $18.49
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Here we report the whole-genome sequencing and assembly of 
the genome of the marmoset, the first New World monkey to be 
sequenced (Supplementary Note). Our results include comparisons 
of this platyrrhine genome with the available catarrhine (human, 
other hominoid and Old World monkey) genomes, identifying previously undetected aspects of catarrhine genome evolution, including 
positive selection in specific genes and significant conservation 
of previously unidentified segments of noncoding ...
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