MED SURG 330 HESI EXAM 2020 –Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University School Of Nursing
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MED SURG 330 HESI EXAM (updated) 2020 –Johns Hopkins University
- Exam (elaborations) • 118 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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A client who has undergone abdominal surgery calls the nurse and reports that she just

felt “something give way” in the abdominal incision. The nurse checks the incision and

notes the presence of wound dehiscence. The nurse immediately:

Contacts the physician Incorrect

Documents the findings

Places the client in a supine position with the legs flat

Covers the abdominal wound with a sterile dressing moistened with sterile saline

solution Correct
Exam (elaborations)
MED SURG 330 HESI EXAM (updated) 2020 –Johns Hopkins University
Last document update:
A client who has undergone abdominal surgery calls the nurse and reports that she just 
felt “something give way” in the abdominal incision. The nurse checks the incision and 
notes the presence of wound dehiscence. The nurse immediately: 
Contacts the physician Incorrect 
Documents the findings 
Places the client in a supine position with the legs flat 
Covers the abdominal wound with a sterile dressing moistened with sterile saline 
solution Correct
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