Sophia Ancient Greek Philosophers Milestone (- PHIL 001)
Kaplan University
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Sophia Ancient Greek Philosophers Milestone 1 with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $9.49
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When Crito tries to convince Socrates that he must not betray his own life, how does Socrates respond? A Stoic avoids looking for good in external things and recognizes that value . Choose the example that best demonstrates a central tenet of Stoicism. Which branch of philosophy examines the ultimate nature of reality?
Sophia Ancient Greek Philosophers Milestone 1 with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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Sophia Ancient Greek Philosophers Milestone 1 Sophia Ancient Greek Philosophers Milestone 1 1 When Crito tries to convince Socrates that he must not betray his own life, how does Socrates respond? 2 Being a good parent is a __________ condition for having a child. 3 Which branch of philosophy examines the ultimate nature of reality? ? 4 Which of the following statements about the metaphysical tenets of Plato’s Doctrine of the Forms is FALSE? 5 Heraclitus developed __________, which stated that...
Sophia Ancient Greek Philosophers Milestone 1 with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
- $16.49
- 4x sold
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Sophia Ancient Greek Philosophers Milestone 1 Sophia Ancient Greek Philosophers Milestone 1 1 When Crito tries to convince Socrates that he must not betray his own life, how does Socrates respond? 2 Being a good parent is a __________ condition for having a child. 3 Which branch of philosophy examines the ultimate nature of reality? ? 4 Which of the following statements about the metaphysical tenets of Plato’s Doctrine of the Forms is FALSE? 5 Heraclitus devel...
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