Liberty University
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4N051 volume 1| 165 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 30 pages • 2023
- $12.99
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What is meant by the statement "doctrine is authoritative, but not directive in nature?" correct answer: While doctrine has an enormous amount of guidance and experience, it does not state what you must do or how you must complete a task or mission. 
To whom does the AFMS doctrine apply? correct answer: all active duty, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard and civilian Air Force personnel. 
How does Air Force doctrine aid AFMS commanders in accomplishing the mission? correct answer: pr...
4N051 Set B, Volume 1 - 3 Self Test Questions Combined (2023) questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 107 pages • 2023
- $17.99
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What six things are medications used for? correct answer: To treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent disease, or to provide relief. 
What is a formulary? correct answer: A reference book or pamphlet that lists medications available at a specific healthcare facility. In addition, a formulary lists recommended dosages and special considerations. 
What drug name is assigned by the US Adopted Name Council? correct answer: Generic name. 
Why were drug standards developed? correct answer: To ensur...
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