Liberty University
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Introduction to Ammunition Exam 2023 With complete solution Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023
- $11.49
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What proper actions are taken when a seal is missing or broken from an outer pack? 
- CORRECT ANS Report any unsealed outer packs to your supervisor 
Which of the following applies to training ammo? Select all that apply. - CORRECT 
ANS Training ammo is used for practice. 
Training ammo contains explosives. 
Training ammo is capable of damaging property and personnel. 
Follow safety precautions when handling training ammo. 
What is the purpose of pallets? Select all that apply. - CORRECT ANS To ...
INTRODUCTION TO AMMUNITION (Cert) (AMMO-45) 2023 Exam With complete solution
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023
- $10.99
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Which of these true statements about bombs differentiate bombs from artillery 
ammo, rockets, and missiles? - CORRECT ANS Bombs are not fired from a 
Cartridges for shotguns and .50 caliber and smaller cartridges are which category of 
ammunition? - CORRECT ANS Small arms ammunition 
Ammunition pallets may be made from which of the following material? - 
CORRECT ANS Wood, metal, or steel 
What is not a purpose of a pallet? - CORRECT ANS to protect from lightning 
How are outer packs desi...
Intro to Explosive Safety Management Exam 2023 with complete solution(Questions $ Answers)
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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1.	Your role is to ensure the safety and serviceability of the stockpile and monitor AE uploads, transportation, and storage activities. Who are you?: - QASAS 
2.	You have been appointed as your installation's safety chief. Who is respon- sible for developing, implementing, and managing the ESP as part of the overall safety and occupational health program for the installation?: installa- tion commander 
3.	If you are responsible for assisting commanders and staff with resolving explosives safet...
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $9.99
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Which hazard class/division would cause mass fragmentation if initiated? HD 1.1 
You need to know storage compatibility of an explosive item before you store it. Which official regulation can you use as a reference for storage mixing? DA PAM 385-64 
You have closed and sealed a magazine that will no longer be used. how often are you required to check the seal? Every 12 months 
You are planning the necessary firebreaks for a new ECM. You must have a 5-foot firebreak around the v...
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