BIBL 110 (BIBL110)
Liberty University
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BIBL-110-01 - Quiz 1: CH. 1 & 10 Definitions for the Quiz
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- $11.00
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AD - Description of time deriving from the Latin *anno Domini*, "in the year of 
our Lord," using the birth of Christ as the point of reference. Some prefer to use 
CE (Common Era) as its equivalent. See BC. 
Apostles - Term meaning "a messenger" or "one who is sent," applied to the twelve 
leaders appointed by Jesus (Mark 3:13-19). Qualifications for apostleship included 
seeing the risen Lord (Acts 1:13-14). Paul could claim apostleship for this reason 
(1 Cor. 9:1). They are...
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