BUSI 3007
Liberty University
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BUSI 3007 Week 6 Final Exam - Question and Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2022
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BUSI 3007 Week 6 Final Exam 
1. According to Moffett, McAdam, and Parkinson (2004), why is the MeCTIP model beneficial to KM research? 
2. A measure of the success of BP Connect was: 
3. The role of a sponsor of a community is to: 
4. According to Moffett, McAdam, and Parkinson (2004), in today's knowledge-intensive organizations, the primary objective of ICT is to: 
5. The stage in the life cycle of communities where connectivity is maintained is: 
6. In order to be most effective, the scope...

BUSI-3007-3/MGMT-3103-3/BUSI-3001-3-Knowledge Management Week 6 Final Exam (100 out of 100 points)
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $29.99
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BUSI-3007-3/MGMT-3103-3/BUSI-3001-3-Knowledge Management 
Week 6 Final Exam 
100 out of 100 points 
1. The toughest part of the KM process is: 
2. Collison and Parcell discuss steps to embed the knowledge management process within organizations. In which of these steps is it important to demonstrate a "quick win"? 
3. The stage in the life cycle of communities where needs are identified is: 
4. Collison and Parcell discuss steps to embed the knowledge management process within organizations...

BUSI 3007 Final Exam 2
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
- $29.99
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BUSI 3007 Final Exam 2 
1. Collison and Parcell discuss steps to embed the knowledge management process within organizations. In which of these steps is it important to demonstrate a "quick win"? 
2. According to Collison and Parcell, everyone has	. 
3. All of the following are common assumptions for why connection tools may not be needed in small organizations EXCEPT: 
4. The stage in the life cycle of communities where needs are identified is: 
5. Which of the following is not a part of the ...

- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $24.99
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1. According to the Collison and Parcell textbook, the process of creating knowledge begins with _____________. 
2. In second-generation KM, Knowledge Life Cycles are seen as: 
3. According to economists (Knapp, 1988), ___________ is becoming the most important product in the United States. 
4. According to the Collison and Parcell textbook, Knowledge Management is about all of the following processes except: 
5. Learning and innovation is a...

BUSI 3007 Midterm Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $24.99
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BUSI 3007 Midterm Exam 
1. According to Thite (2004), in order for knowledge to be a strategic goal leading to a competitive advantage, it must be: 
2. According to the Collison and Parcell textbook, in order to create an environment in which knowledge flourishes, we need: 
3. According to the Collison and Parcell textbook, Knowledge Management is about all of the following processes except: 
4. Knowledge validation refers to: 
5. According to Collison and Parcell, the starting point for using t...

BUSI-3007-1/BUSI-3001-1/MGMT-3103-1-Knowledge Management - BUSI 3007 Week 3 Midterm Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2022
- $19.99
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BUSI-3007-1/BUSI-3001-1/MGMT-3103-1-Knowledge Management 
BUSI 3007 Week 3 Midterm Exam 
1. According to the Collison and Parcell textbook, knowledge management focuses on more than just know how because it is also important to have: 
2. In an organization, learning takes place at what level? 
3. According to Thite (2004), in order for knowledge to be a strategic goal leading to a competitive advantage, it must be: 
4. According to the Collison and Parcell textbook, the first part of the holist...

BUSI 3007 Final Exam - Question and Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2022
- $29.99
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BUSI 3007 Final Exam 
1. The toughest part of the KM process is: 
2. According to Moffett, McAdam, and Parkinson (2004), technological tools that are currently classified as KM applications are: 
3. A knowledge asset: 
4. According to Moffett, McAdam, and Parkinson (2004), why is the MeCTIP model beneficial to KM research? 
5. It outlines key components of the field and the relationships that exist between these elements. 
6. All of the following are common assumptions for why connection tools m...

BUSI 3007 Final Exam 2 - Question and Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2022
- $29.99
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BUSI 3007 Final Exam 2 
1. Collison and Parcell discuss steps to embed the knowledge management process within organizations. In which of these steps is it important to demonstrate a "quick win"? 
2. According to Collison and Parcell, everyone has	. 
3. All of the following are common assumptions for why connection tools may not be needed in small organizations EXCEPT: 
4. The stage in the life cycle of communities where needs are identified is: 
5. Which of the following is not a part of the ...

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