Liberty University
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- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
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Embalming correct answer: process of chemically treating the dead human body to reduce the presence and growth of microorganisms, to temporarily inhibit organic decomposition, and to restore an acceptable physical appearance. 
Functions of embalming correct answer: disinfection - temporary preservation - restoration of acceptable memory picture 
Agonal correct answer: a period of time immediately before death 
Moribund correct answer: in a dying state; in the agonal period 
Somatic d...
Embalming Final Study Guide| 463 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE
- Exam (elaborations) • 39 pages • 2023
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- $13.49
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uniform anatomical gift act correct answer: a law permitting a person of legal age and sound mind to give all or any part of his body to take effect upon his/her death or giving the right to another 
first half gallon correct answer: may be made milder in an attempt to clear blood discolorations in the autopsied body 
-should be followed by stronger fluid solution (2.0% or higher) 
decomposition bodies correct answer: 100% arterial fluid with a coinjection fluid (waterless) 
long delay ...
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